The family, friends and colleagues of Ivan Sag have joined with the LSA to create a new contribution fund in his memory. The Ivan Sag Linguistic Institute Fund will support the continuing efforts of the LSA to sponsor and organize the biennial Linguistic Institute, including the un-named student fellowships and the Sapir Professorship. If sufficient donations are received, the Fund will be used to endow a permanent award for students and faculty participating in the Institute. Donations may be made to this fund via the LSA website or by downloading a donation form and mailing/faxing it to the LSA. Both options are available here.

Ivan Sag (Stanford University) had been an LSA member since 1972, was a Life Member of the Society, and was an LSA Fellow, Class of 2008. Dr. Sag received many other honors and fellowships, including the LSA’s Victoria Fromkin Prize in 2005, for distinguished contributions to the field of linguistics, and of the Edward Sapir Professorship at the LSA's Linguistic Institute held at UC Boulder in 2011.


Photo Credit:  Felix Bildhauer

The Linguistic Society is a non-profit organization exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The LSA Federal Identification Number is 74-6043371. As a non-profit organization, the LSA may qualify for corporate donation-matching programs. Prospective donors may review a copy of the LSA's most recent federal tax return (Form 990) here (PDF).