The Linguistic Society of America is seeking a talented communications professional to fill a new position at its headquarters in Washington, DC. The successful candidate will focus broadly on the external communications needs of this small, scholarly professional association, including: media relations; outreach to the non-member linguistics community; advocacy on behalf of the LSA’s public policy agenda; efforts to inform the public and build awareness about the field of linguistics; and related content/resource development.


The successful candidate will be an experienced communications professional, with a minimum of 3-5 years working in a communications/public relations setting, preferably at a national association or non-profit organization. Some acquaintance with linguistics, such as undergraduate-level coursework, is strongly preferred. Familiarity with the broad range of public policy issues affecting scientific research, higher education, and related sectors in the U.S. is highly desirable. Experience with using social media strategies to successfully reach a broad audience is essential.

Operational Details

This new position will start at half-time (20-25 hours per week), with the possibility of future expansion to full-time as funding permits. Due to temporary space constraints, the successful candidate will work primarily from a remote location of their choosing, with a small portion of work time spent at the LSA office to attend meetings and related activities. While candidates who wish to continue living outside the DC metropolitan area will be considered, if hired, the incumbent will be responsible for any expenses associated with travel to/from the LSA’s office.

Application Instructions

Please submit a cover letter (including salary requirements), resume/CV, and a brief (1-2 pages) writing sample in confidence via e-mail, subject: Application for Director of Communications. The deadline for submission is April 4, 2014.