This week, the United States Senate is debating the Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies (CJS) Appropriations Bill for the 2015 fiscal year, which sets funding levels for the National Science Foundation and other federal organizations important to the scientific community.

It is likely that during debate, amendments will be introduced which would cut funding for linguistics and other social sciences within the NSF. NSF funding plays a key role in the support and development of many linguistic research programs, and it is crucial that social science funding is maintained or increased in the CJS appropriations bill. If you are a United States citizen and wish to support federal funding for linguistics, we recommend you contact your Senators today or as soon as possible to state your opposition to any amendments to the CJS appropriations bill that would cut funding for the social sciences.

To learn more about this issue or send a message to your Senators, visit the COSSA (Consortium of Social Science Associations) website. You can also track updates about the debate on Twitter by following @SenateFloor, @COSSADC and the #Stand4Science hashtag.

(UPDATE: The CJS appropriations bill was removed from debate in the Senate on Thursday, June 19. Follow us here and on social media for further updates.)