The 2015 LSA Annual Meeting is less than four months away, and we're excited to announce the recipients of this year's Student Abstract Awards. Instituted in 2010, the Student Abstract Awards recognize (with a cash prize) the three best abstracts submitted by students for the upcoming Annual Meeting. Without further ado, the winners:

Condensed and full abstracts for each project are available through the links above. The award-winning abstracts are scheduled to be presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting during the following sessions: (all at the Hilton Portland and Executive Tower):

The Student Abstract Awards are the fifth of the 2015 LSA Awards to be announced; further award announcements will be made in the coming weeks. All LSA awards will be presented at the 2015 LSA Annual Meeting on Saturday, January 10, 5:30 PM PT at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower.