Starting today, event registration is open for the LSA's 2015 Annual Meeting. Our 89th Annual Meeting will be held in Portland, Oregon, from Thursday, January 8, 2015 to Sunday, January 11.

Portland skyline

More than 60 sessions, symposia, and plenary talks have been scheduled; a full schedule for the LSA Annual Meeting is available online. Our Annual Meeting will also run concurrently with meetings of the American Dialect Society, the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics, and several other linguistic societies.

Event preregistration will be open until December 19, and registration discounts are available for LSA members, students, and under/unemployed members. Attendees can save $100 or more on registration fees by becoming an LSA member. Late registration will be available onsite at increased rates. Group rates are also available for the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower, where the Annual Meeting will be held.

Please contact us if you have any questions or issues concerning registration. We encourage everyone with an interest in linguistics to join us in Portland next January for what promises to be a fantastic Annual Meeting. See you there!