Tweet a description of your LSA presentation, starting with "My #LSA2015 talk:", by December 1 for your chance to win a year of LSA membership!

In just a couple of months, hundreds of linguists from around the world will be presenting their latest research at the LSA's Annual Meeting. We want to highlight just how diverse and interesting the research at our Annual Meeting can be, so today, we're kicking off a new LSA contest.

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If you're presenting a talk or poster at the 2015 Annual Meeting, we encourage you to tweet a description of your presentation, starting with the phrase "My #LSA2015 talk:" (no quotes needed). Feel free to focus on the findings, the methods, or whatever you think is most interesting--just make sure it fits in a single tweet! (If you don't have a Twitter account, you can still participate by creating a free account on Twitter's website.) Limit one tweet per poster or talk.

Once the contest ends on December 1, we'll name two winners--one for the tweet which received the most retweets during the contest, and one for the favorite tweet of the LSA staff. Each winner will receive a free year of LSA membership, added on to the end of their current membership expiration. Even if you don't win the grand prize, though, you'll still be helping to raise awareness of your work and linguistics in general.

If you have any questions about the contest, feel free to drop us an email. Otherwise, we're looking forward to seeing your tweets--and seeing you in Portland!