For more than 100 years, the disciplines of linguistics and anthropology have been closely interrelated; renowned scholars such as Franz Boas and Claude Lévi-Strauss have worked to draw connections between the two fields, and anthropological linguists and linguistic anthropologists continue to explore the relationship between language and culture.

In recognition and appreciation of these commonalities, the Linguistic Society of America and the American Anthropological Association are working to build engagement between the two disciplines, starting with a pair of 'joint sessions' at each society's upcoming Annual Meeting.

AAA logoLSA logo

At the 113th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, to be held this December 3-7, 2014 in Washington DC, the LSA and AAA will be sponsoring an invited session, "Not Your Grandparents' Salvage: Documentary Linguistics as a Resource for Producing Anthropology in the 21st Century". The session, organized by Lise Dobrin and Alexander King, will run from 9 - 10:45 AM on Friday, December 5. Registration for the AAA Annual Meeting is still available.

At the 89th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, to be held January 8 - 11, 2015 in Portland, Oregon, the LSA and AAA will be hosting the symposium "'Being There' with the Language: Language Documentation in Its Ethnographic Context". The session, organized by Lise Dobrin and James Slotta, will run from 9 - 10:30 AM on Saturday, January 10. Early registration for the LSA Annual Meeting is open until December 19, and hotel registration will be available until December 6.

We encourage all with an interest in linguistics and anthropology to attend one or both sessions, and to learn more about the LSA and AAA on their respective webpages.