Thanks to everyone who participated in the LSA's first Tweet Your Talk contest. We had 10 fantastic entries--time to announce our winners. 

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For our "Most Retweeted" prize... we had a tie! Two talks each received seven retweets before the Monday-night deadline:

My #LSA2015 talk: Both speech style and lexical competitors shape listeners' use of variable phonetic cues to phoneme identity.

โ€” Kevin B. McGowan (@kbmcgowan) November 24, 2014

("A phonetic explanation for the usefulness of within-category variation", to be presented at 2:30 PM in Broadway I/II on Saturday, January 10)

My #LSA2015 talk: Female subjects' benevolent sexism correlates with their phonetic divergence from a straight male model talker. #sociophon

โ€” Alec Buchner (@ahbuchner) November 18, 2014

("Divergent [s] Accommodation in a Gendered Shadowing Task", to be presented at 10 AM in Galleria II on Saturday, January 10)

Rather than break the tie, we'll be giving both winners a free year of LSA membership. Congrats, Kevin and Alec!

Choosing our "staff pick" prize was difficult, with so many excellent entries, but we managed to narrow it down to a single winner:

My #LSA2015 talk: Linguistic profiling confirmed again! Everyone thinks @CoryBooker sounds black and it's all in the prosody!

โ€” Nicole Holliday (@2IntrAKAte) November 18, 2014

("Revisiting Linguistic Profiling: Testing Accuracy and the Influence of Prosodic Variables on Listener Judgments of Ethnicity", to be presented during the Friday morning poster session, 10:30 AM - noon in the Exhibit Hall)

We'll be retweeting your entries on the @LingSocAm Twitter account between now and the Annual Meeting. Looking forward to all the livetweeting in Portland!