Earlier this month, Dr. Anvita Abbi was presented with the LSA's Kenneth L. Hale Award at a special ceremony held during the Linguistic Society of India's annual conference. Dr. Abbi, retired Professor of Linguistics at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, received the Hale Award for her "decades of work documenting and evaluating the minority languages of India, particularly Great Andamanese".

Dr. Nicholas Evans, recipient of the 2011 Hale Award and keynote speaker at the LSI, presented the award; photos of Dr. Evans' presentation and Dr. Abbi's acceptance are included below. The Early Career Award, the Linguistics Journalism Award, and other LSA Awards will be presented at the 2015 LSA Annual Meeting on Saturday, January 10, 5:30 PM PT at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower.

Congratulations and thanks once more to Dr. Abbi!

Evans presentationDr. Abbi receiving awardDr. Abbi receiving award