Update: We've lifted all viewing restrictions on our Linguists in Industry panel!

Our Annual Meeting panel on "Linguists In Industry", featuring linguists from Google, Microsoft and other leading companies, has been posted online. Everyone can now watch the panel at http://www.linguisticsociety.org/content/linguists-industry-full-video.

YT video preview

The five linguists on the panel spoke about their work, gave advice to students pursuing careers in industry, and answered questions from the audience:

If you are not currently a member of the LSA, joining/renewing your membership is quick and easy. Annual rates start as low as $40 for students and $65 for under/unemployed members, and recent Ph.D. graduates are eligible for a free year of LSA membership.

Linguists and LSA members who are interested in pursuing careers outside of academia are also recommended to check out resources such as Career Linguist, the Georgetown MLC blog, and Versatile PhD. We're working on providing more information and guidance for linguists of all interests as they decide on their career path, so stay tuned!