CoLang, the Institute for Collaborative Language Research, will hold its 2016 session at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks from June 20 to July 23, 2016. CoLang provides linguists and community language activists with an opportunity to receive training in documenting and revitalizing languages, including endangered languages.

CoLang, held every two years since 2008, brings together participants from around the globe, including some of the world's leading experts in language documentation and revitalization.

CoLang logo

CoLang 2016 will take place in two parts: two-week workshops on issues related to language documentation, followed by a three-week practicum in which participants work hands-on with speakers of an endangered language. CoLang participants may choose to attend only the workshop component.

For more information on CoLang, see the LSA's CoLang 2016 webpage and join the CoLang mailing list. Information on tuition, registration, etc., will be available soon.

The LSA is proud to be a co-sponsor of CoLang and to support CoLang 2016 by providing student fellowships, promotional support, and linguistic resources.