Interested in visualizing linguistic research or getting support for your dissertation? You might be interested in one of these three ongoing programs:

The 2016 Vizzies, hosted by Popular Science and the National Science Foundation, opened for submissions yesterday. The Vizzies aim to recognize some of the most beautiful visualizations from the worlds of science and engineering in media including photography, illustrations, and interactives. Winning submissions will receive awards of $2,500 (for the "Experts' Choice" awards) and $500 (for the "People's Choice" awards). All submissions are due September 15, 2015.

Vizzies logo

The NSF is also accepting submissions for Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Awards in linguistics. DDRI grants provide support to "enhance and improve the dissertation projects conducted by doctoral students enrolled in U.S. universities who are conducting scientific research that enhances basic scientific knowledge"; the NSF anticipates providing 25 to 35 awards for a total funding amount of $300,000 - $400,000 each year. DDRI proposals are due by July 15, 2015 (with the next round of proposals due January 15, 2016); full details and submission guidelines are available on the NSF website.

Last, but not least--the Dance Your Ph.D. Contest, sponsored by Science and the AAAS, is now open. Prizes are given for the best dance-based interpretation of the submitter's Ph.D. thesis in four different categories, including the social sciences. Entries must be uploaded to YouTube and submitted by October 28, 2015--so you've got plenty of time to start brushing up on your dancing skills.

If you know of any other competitions or award programs which may be of interest to linguists, drop us a line!