The LSA is delighted to announce the latest in its program of webinars on professional development topics:  LGBTQ+ Perspectives in Linguistics.

The webinar took place on Friday, April 12, 2019 from 1:00 to 2:30 PM EDT.

View a recording of the webinar
View presenter handouts:  Jeremy Calder      Kirby Conrod     Tyler Kibbey


This webinar explores LGBTQ+ issues in Linguistics from the perspectives of a master’s student, a doctoral candidate, and a postdoctoral fellow. Building from the LSA Special Interest Group on LGBTQ+ Issues in Linguistics’ 2019 panel “New Directions in LGBTQ+ Linguistics,” this webinar also addresses contemporary topics of interest in the study of language, gender, and sexuality. This webinar is of interest to LGBTQ+ linguists and allies at all career stages, those seeking to promote LGBTQ+ issues in the wider discipline, and those seeking to learn how to organize around these topics.


The webinar will take place on Friday, April 12 from 1:00 - 2:30 PM U.S. Eastern Daylight Time.  Participation will be limited to 100, with LSA members given priority.

ASL interpretation will be provided for LSA webinars if at least one week’s advance notice is provided.  This notice is required in order to secure the services of qualified interpreters.   If less advance notice is provided, the LSA will attempt to secure interpreters but cannot guarantee availability. Please provide advance notice by contacting David Robinson, the LSA’s Director of Membership and Meetings.

Participants (pictured from left to right): 

Tyler Kibbey, University of Kentucky (He/Him/His)
Tyler Kibbey is a master’s student in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Kentucky and co-convener of the LSA Special Interest Group on LGBTQ+ Issues in Linguistics. His work applies Conceptual Metaphor Theory to religious language and ideology with the aim of mitigating anti-LGBTQ+ religious violence. His recent work has also explored the moral responsibilities of linguists beyond the descriptivist framework.

Jeremy Calder, University of Colorado Boulder (They/Them/Their)
Jeremy Calder is a Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Colorado Boulder. Their work straddles the fields of sociolinguistic variation and linguistic anthropology. Using sociophonetic and ethnographic methods, they explore how phonetic variation is used in the articulation of marginalized identity.

Kirby Conrod, University of Washington (They/Them/Their)
Kirby Conrod is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Washington. Their dissertation explores third person pronouns in English from a syntactic and sociolinguistic perspective; using evidence from complex pronoun constructions and from an ongoing language change around singular use of they, they propose a new underlying syntactic structure of pronouns. They live in Seattle with their spouse, roommates, and an impolite cat.