The LSA is pleased to announce the nomination of John Beavers (The University of Texas at Austin) to serve a three-year term as the next Co-Editor of our flagship journal, Language, followed by a three-year term as Editor of the journal.  His nomination is subject to confirmation by a vote of the LSA membership later this Fall (balloting begins September 1st and concludes on November 2nd). If confirmed, Beavers will succeed Megan Crowhurst (The University of Texas at Austin). The LSA thanks Crowhurst for her outstanding service as Co-Editor of Language as well as her editorship of the new LSA journal Phonological Data and Analysis.

In continuous publication since 1925, Language is available online via Project MUSE (2001 - present) and JSTOR (1925 - 2013). Selected content is freely available via the LSA's open access archive.

Beavers is an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics at The University of Texas at Austin. He earned a BS in Computer Science and a BA in Mathematics and Linguistics in 2000, both from The University of Texas, where an initial interest in computational linguistics later led him to develop a research program in syntax and semantics. He earned his MA in 2002 and his PhD in 2006 from Stanford University, and taught for one year at Georgetown University before taking up his current position at The University of Texas. His current research interests are largely in the area of lexical semantics, where he has explored the ways in which word meanings are decomposed into more basic components, how these components are interpreted truth conditionally, and the principles by which a word’s meaning correlates with and ultimately determines its grammatical behavior. Among other things, he has focused on the effect of predicate meaning on the syntactic and morphological realization of arguments, how events described by different classes of verbs unfold over time, and how the idiosyncratic parts of a word's meaning relate to regular, recurring components that the word shares with other words. This work has included detailed studies of relevant phenomena in a range of languages, including English, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian, Colloquial Sinhala, Kinyarwanda, and Romanian. His most recent work, supported by a 2015 National Science Foundation grant awarded to himself and Andrew Koontz-Garboden of The University of Manchester, has explored questions of verb meaning from a typological perspective. Beavers's work has been published in journals such as Language, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Linguistic Inquiry, Journal of Linguistics, and Lingua. He has been a member of the LSA for nearly 20 years, having also taught at the 2015 LSA Institute at University of Chicago and served on the reviewing subcommittee of the Committee on Linguistic Institutes and Fellowships in 2017. Since 2016 he has served as an Associate Editor at Language. He has also supported the LSA in another capacity --- as long term lead guitarist for the Stanford Linguistics band Dead Tongues and the University of Texas band Gavagai, he has performed at several LSA Summer Institutes dating back to 2003, with his most recent performance at the 2017 LSA Annual Meeting in Austin, TX.

If confirmed, Beavers will join the ranks of those who have served as Editors of Language, a highly distinguished cadre of eminent linguists:

  • George Melville Bolling (1925–1939)
  • Bernard Bloch (1940–1966)
  • William Bright (1966–1987)
  • Sarah G. Thomason (1988–1994)
  • Mark Aronoff (1995–2001)
  • Brian D. Joseph (2002–2008)
  • Greg Carlson (2009-2016)
  • Andries Coetzee (2017-present)