Are you already a published author?  Not yet published, but planning to?   Heard about Open Access but want to find out more about it?

To celebrate International Open Access Week, the LSA organized an an Open Access Primer to bring participants up to speed about Open Access. The webinar covered what it means for scholarly work to be “Open”, how to identify Open Access publishing options in linguistics, and how Open Access relates to other movements such as Open Data, Open Source, and Open Education. It also provided a brief overview of the LSA's various Open Access initiatives. Finally, it discussed how to incorporate and contextualize Open Scholarship in your scholarly practice and the benefits to you and your work.  This webinar will be of interest to anyone who publishes, or plans to publish, their work, as well as to those with an interest in Open Access issues.

View the webinar

View the Panelists' Slides    View a list of the LSA's Open Access initiatives


Confirmed panelists:

Lauren B. Collister (ORCID: 0000-0001-5767-8486) is the Director of Scholarly Communication at the University Library System, University of Pittsburgh, where she leads initiatives such as the library’s Open Access Journal Publishing program, institutional and subject-based repositories, and copyright education and advocacy. She has been involved with the Open Movement since at least 2011 when she started to encounter paywalls and copyright issues while pursuing her PhD in Sociolinguistics. She is currently the chair of the LSA’s Committee on Scholarly Communication in Linguistics, and the co-editor of the forthcoming Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management from MIT Press. Her linguistics research interests include language in digital and virtual environments, whether in online gaming communities or Open Access publisher websites.

Eric Baković (ORCID: 0000-0002-2048-5135) is Professor and Chair of the Linguistics Department at UC San Diego, and his primary research area is in phonological theory. Eric has been involved in the Open Access movement for over 20 years, starting with his management of the Rutgers Optimality Archive from 1996 to 2014. He has served as Vice-Chair and Chair of both the UC San Diego Committee on Library and the systemwide University Committee on Library and Scholarly Communication (2013-2017), as a member of the LSA Committee of Linguistics Journal Editors and co-organizer of the 2013 LSA Symposium on Open Access and the Future of Academic Publishing, and he was a founding Associate Editor of Language: Phonological Analysis, now a stand-alone Open Access journal of the LSA (Phonological Data & Analysis).

Matthew K. Gordon is a Professor and former department chair in the Linguistics Department at UC Santa Barbara. His primary research interests lie in the areas of phonetics, phonology, and typology.  He has served as an Associate Editor of the LSA journal Language and is a co-editor of Phonological Data & Analysis, an Open Access journal of the LSA.

Please consider a contribution to the LSA's Open Access Publications Fund, which supports the publication of Semantics and Pragmatics, Phonological Data and Analysis, the conference proceedings we publish, and our other Open Access endeavors. Donations, which will be matched up to $10,000 through December 31, 2019 thanks to a grant from former LSA President Steve Anderson, can be made online or offline by completing a donation form [pdf] and sending it to the LSA with your payment.