Please join the LSA in congratulating recently elected members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Dan Jurafsky (Stanford University), Wendy Sandler (University of Haifa), and Paul Kiparsky (Stanford University).

Elected members of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences are world leaders in the arts and sciences, business, philanthropy, and public affairs. They work together to explore challenges facing society, identify solutions, and promote nonpartisan recommendations that advance the public good.

Dan Jurafsky (pictured top left of photo) is Professor and Chair of Linguistics and Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University, as well as a current member of the LSA. Jurafsky's research interests include natural language understanding, human-human conversation, the relationship between human and machine processing, and the application of natural language processing to the social and behavioral sciences. Learn more about him and his work here.

Wendy Sandler (pictured top right of photo) is Distinguished Professor of Linguistics and Founding Director of the Sign Language Research Lab at the University of Haifa, as well as a current member of the LSA. Sandler has developed models of sign language phonology and prosody that exploit general linguistic principles to reveal both the similarities and the differences in natural languages in two modalities. Learn more about her and her work here.

Paul Kiparsky (pictured bottom left of photo) is Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford University. Kiparsky's research interests include phonology, morphology, morphosyntax, historical linguistics and metrics. Learn more about him and his work here.

If you'd like to see the full list of elected members, visit the American Academy of Arts & Sciences website.