The COVID-19 pandemic has upended our normal way of life, and we at the LSA are acutely aware that many of our members will be facing unprecedented challenges during the coming months and years, ranging from withdrawal of institutional support, to postponement or derailment of educational or career plans, to personal financial constraints, to dealing with COVID-19 in your personal lives.  

We are offering our members who have been financially impacted by COVID-19 a “pay what you can” option to lessen the burden of paying membership dues.  If you’d like to request this option, please complete this short form to indicate the amount of your membership dues that you are able to pay – and note that one of the options is to request a full dues waiver. 

LSA staff will contact you with further instructions.  The availability of dues reductions or waivers is subject to the funds availble in the LSA's Financial Assistance and Student Support Fund.  We are currently (May 2020) conducting a fundraising campaign for this purpose.