This 75-minute webinar will provide a brief introduction to social media, with a particular focus on Linguist Twitter. Attendees will come away with an overview of some of the benefits and pitfalls of social media, as well as pointers for social media etiquette. We will discuss how social media can benefit your research, teaching, networking, and community building. There will be an extended discussion period (45 minutes), for attendees to ask questions of the organizers. Come with all your social media questions! 
Expanded access to this webinar is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1924593. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this webinar are those of the presenters and authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
The webinar will be ASL-interpreted. 

Betsy Sneller is an Assistant Professor of Linguistics at Michigan State University. She uses both Facebook and Twitter as professional networking tools with different purposes, and keeps her Instagram private. She thoroughly believes in Twitter as a tool for good. 
Nicole Holliday is an Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania, where she focuses on sociophonetics and language and identity. She's active on linguist Twitter, but doesn't use other networks professionally.
Kelly E. Wright is a PhD Candidate at the University of Michigan, researching the intersection of institutionalized
racism and speech perception. She joined Twitter just to see what all the Linguists were talking about, and is a better scholar for it.
Carrie Gillon is the co-host of the Vocal Fries podcast, the podcast about linguistic discrimination. She uses Facebook and Twitter as personal and podcasting networking tools. 
Megan Figueroa is a scientist who studies how children learn language. She is also the co-host of The Vocal Fries podcast. She uses Twitter to network with other linguists, promote her podcast, and make (virtual) friends.