Recording of the webinar


Webinar Description:

Learn about the National Science Foundation’s DLI-DEL Senior Research and Conference Proposal solicitation at an upcoming webinar to assist you in preparing proposals for the November 18, 2020 deadline.  Shobhana Chelliah, former Program Officer for DEL, will review the solicitation.  Linguistics Program Officers Joan Maling and Tyler Kendall will be on hand to answer questions.  


Shobhana Lakshmi Chelliah (Ph.D. UT Austin 1992) is Distinguished Research Professor of Linguistics and Associate Dean of Research and Advancement at the College of Information, University of North Texas.  She is a 2019-2020 Nehru-Fulbright fellowship awardee.  She was a Program Director for the NSF’s Documenting Endangered Languages Program from 2012-2015.  Her research on Tibeto-Burman languages has been funded by the National Science Foundation and fellowships from the American Institute of Indian Studies, National Endowment for the Humanities, and American Council of Learned Societies.  She is the director of the Computational Resource for South Asian Language Archive (CoRSAL) at the University of North Texas Digital Library.  

Joan Maling (Ph.D. MIT 1973) has been Director of NSF’s Linguistics Program since June, 2003, and was instrumental in starting the Documenting Endangered Languages Program,  which made its first awards in 2005.  She is Professor Emerita of Linguistics at Brandeis University, where she taught from 1972-2003. Her research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís). Dr. Maling was a founding co-editor of the journal Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, and served as editor for twenty-five years. In 2007, she was elected a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and in 2008, a fellow of the Linguistic Society of America. In December, 2009, she was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Iceland for her contributions to Icelandic linguistics.

Tyler Kendall (Ph.D. Duke 2009) has been Director of NSF’s Linguistics Program since August, 2019.  He is Associate Professor of Linguistics at the University of Oregon, where he directs the Language Variation and Computation Laboratory.  Kendall’s research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the U.K. Economic and Social Research Council, and the Leverhulme Trust.  He has developed several language resources, including the Sociolinguistic Archive and Analysis Project and the Corpus of Regional African American Language, and is the author of Speech Rate, Pause, and Sociolinguistic Variation: Studies in Corpus Sociophonetics (Palgrave Macmillan 2013) and, with Valerie Fridland, Sociophonetics (Cambridge University Press in press).