We are happy to announce that the LSA 2021 Annual Meeting will be held virtually. The dates will be the same as previously scheduled: January 7-10.  Please watch this space during the coming weeks for more information about the meeting schedule, format, online platform, virtual exhibit hall, registration, and more.

This announcement follows several months of prolonged negotiations with the Marriott Marquis San Fransico as we attempted to resolve our contractual obligations to the hotel.  We are immensely relieved and pleased that the negotiations have had the present result.

Given the uncertainty until now about the format of the Annual Meeting, we understand that some of you may have chosen not to submit an abstract for a meeting which you did not expect you would be able to attend.  We are actively considering other ways to allow our members to present peer-reviewed research virtually some time during the period between the 2021 and 2022 Annual Meetings.

We regret that we have not been able to say more during this process and appreciate your forbearance during what we know has been a time of upheaval for all of us.   We look forward to seeing you, albeit virtually, in January.