LSA Secretary-Treasurer Lenore Grenoble (University of Chicago) has announced her intention to end her term of service a year early. The Executive Committee has appointed a search committee to identify a candidate to stand for election by the LSA membership later this year. The search committee members are:

  • John Baugh (Washington University in St. Louis), Chair
  • Ellen Kaise (University of Washington)
  • Bill Ladusaw (UC Santa Cruz)
  • Gregory Ward (Northwestern University)
  • Marlyse Baptista (University of Michigan)

The Call for Nominations is provided below:

The LSA is seeking candidates for election as Secretary-Treasurer of the Society, for a five-year term beginning in January 2022.  All LSA members are invited to submit nominations, including self-nominations.

The Secretary-Treasurer is one of the three officers of the LSA, along with the President and the Vice President/President-Elect.  The Secretary-Treasurer is the officer most directly concerned with managing the financial operations of the Society.  The LSA Bylaws specify the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer as follows:

The responsibilities of the Secretary-Treasurer include managing the Society’s assets, identifying ways to enhance revenues and reduce expenses, budgeting revenues and expenses, establishing and maintaining sound business practices and internal controls, and authorizing and reviewing expenses. In addition, the Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for recommending to the Executive Committee policies and procedures regarding membership and membership services, investments, and multi-year budgeting. The Secretary-Treasurer shall present an annual report to the Society, which shall be published by the Society.

The Secretary-Treasurer is the primary liaison between the Executive Committee and the staff in the LSA Secretariat, and works closely with the staff in the day-to-day management of the Society.

The Secretary-Treasurer plays a key role in strategic planning of the Society and in implementation of initiatives related thereto. A general familiarity with LSA activities and governance procedures is essential. Particular challenges that are likely to face the next Secretary-Treasurer include diversification and enhancement of LSA revenue streams and increasing involvement in electronic publications; therefore, some expertise or at least strong interest in these areas will be valuable. Candidates should be familiar with and adept at reviewing budget documents and investment brokerage reports. 

The Secretary-Treasurer is ex officio Chair of the Finance Committee, the Committee on Committees and Delegate Appointments, the Advisory to Programs Committee, and the Committee for the Executive Director’s Performance Review.  The Secretary-Treasurer is also an ex officio member of the Fundraising Committee. Through these committees, the Secretary-Treasurer plays an important role in providing leadership for the LSA. The Secretary-Treasurer attends the two annual meetings of the Executive Committee, one in January (at the beginning of the Annual Meeting) and the other in late April/early May.

The Secretary-Treasurer position is a demanding one, requiring 10-15 hours per week on average, with considerable fluctuation.  At the same time, it provides a highly rewarding opportunity to interact with the officers, Executive Committee, staff, and many members of the LSA, and to serve the Society and the profession. There is a modest honorarium associated with the position.

Please direct nominations, inquiries, and expressions of interest to Alyson Reed. Self-nominations are particularly encouraged. Nominations should include a cover letter outlining the nominee’s qualifications for the job, a CV, and contact information for at least three professional references. Members are encouraged to submit nominations by February 14, 2021; screening of nominations will begin on February 15th. Nominations will be accepted until the position is filled. Nominations of others should be accompanied by an indication of the nominee’s willingness to serve if elected. The Executive Committee will select a single nominee to appear on the ballot for election in the Fall of 2021.