The LSA Executive Committee (EC) is currently considering a proposal to revamp our dues structure from the current flat fees by category to a progressive/sliding scale structure based on income. Such a change would provide a more equitable dues structure based on what linguists can afford to pay. Before the EC makes any decisions about this, we are seeking input from current, lapsed and prospective members of the LSA. Please take five minutes to complete this survey and tell us your thoughts. The survey requests anonymous information about your income, and includes optional questions about various demographic characteristics of the respondents. We are asking for this information because our ad-hoc Workgroup on Data Issues is interested in examining income disparities across multiple demographic variables within the linguistics community. Your willingness to share this information in confidence is greatly appreciated, and will help the LSA’s committees focused on ethnic diversitygender equity in linguistics and LBGTQ+ issues to advocate for more equitable compensation.

As a final note, we do not intend that the new dues structure will apply to student membership in the LSA. Student membership dues will remain at a flat rate for the foreseeable future.

Please respond to the survey by May 31st. Thank you.