The LSA congratulates its members on their recent elections to the Academia Europaea!

The Academia Europaea is an organization focused on promoting European, international, and interdisciplinary research, and advising governments and other organizations, and advancing scholarship in the humanities, law, the economic, social, and political sciences, mathematics, medicine, and all branches of natural and technological sciences.

  • Alexandra Aikhenvald  - Distinguished Professor, Professor and Research Leader of the Cairns Institute, and Foundation Director of the Language ad Culture Research Center at James Cook University (Australia); Adjunct Professor at Central Queensland University (Australia); Australian Laureate Fellow
  • Mira Ariel - Professor Emeritus of the Department of Linguistics at Tel Aviv University (Isreal)
  • Marianne Bakró-Nagy - Professor Emerita at the Research Centre for Linguistics and University of Szeged; Past Research Professor at the Research Institute for Linguistics at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary)
  • Dániel Zoltán Kádár - Research Professor and Chair of Research Center for Pragmatics Rsearch at the Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary); Qihang Chair Professor of the School of English Studies and the Director of Research Centre for the Institute for Linguistics Research at the Dalian University of Foreign Studies (China); Adjunct Professor in the Department of English at the Anglia Ruskin University (United Kingdom)
  • Terje Lohndal - Professor of English Linguistics and Vice Dean of Research at the Faculty of Humanities at the NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway); Adjunct Professor at UiT The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø

Read the full annoucement here.