The LSA is pleased to announce the finalists for the fifth annual Five-Minute Linguist (5ML) Event to be held at the 2022 Annual Meeting on the evening of Friday, January 7th. The 5ML presentations showcase interesting and exciting linguistics research presented in a dynamic, engaging, and accessible way. This has become one of the most popular events at our annual meeting, and this year it will be live streamed to include both virtual and in-person presentations. Please join us for this perennial audience favorite!

Headshot of Five Minute Linguist emcee (Jessi Grenier) and contestants Elsi Kaiser, Kristie Denlinger, Taylor Jones, Christopher Hall, Tracey Adams, Jennifer Kaplan, and Cecelia Cutler
From left: emcee Jessi Grieser and presenters Elsi Kaiser,

Kristie Denlinger, Taylor Jones, Christopher Hall,

Tracey Adams, Jennifer Kaplan, and Cecelia Cutler

This year's event features: 

Five Minute Linguist contestants Yuan Yang, Daniel Goodhue, Valentine Hacquard, Jeffrey Lidz, Seyyed Hatam Tamimi Sa'd, Ronnie Wilbur, Yue Ji, and Anna Papafragou
Presenters Yuan Yang, Daniel Goodhue, Valentine Hacquard, Jeffrey Lidz,

Seyyed Hatam Tamimi Sa'd, Ronnie Wilbur, Yue Ji, and Anna Papafragou


Each participant will be given five minutes for a presentation that will receive constructive, friendly feedback from a panel of judges. The result will be a combination of a live audience vote and the consensus of the judges. Our panel of judges features Lane Greene (journalist at The Economist and 2018 LSA Linguistics Journalism Award winner), Arika Okrent (Author of Highly Irregular: Why Tough, Through, and Dough Don't Rhyme and 2016 LSA Linguistics Journalism Award winner), Ben Zimmer (journalist, Wall Street Journal, and co-host of the podcast Spectacular Vernacular), and Gretchen McCulloch (host of Lingthusiasm). Coaches for this event who've graciously donated their time to prepare presenters include Ann Bunger, Rachel Burdin, Anne Curzan, Lisa Davidson, Jeff Good, Colin Phillips, Laura Wagner, and Georgia Zellou. It has been organized through the many efforts of Kristen Syrett, associate proffesor at Rutgers University and Chair of the LSA Public Relations Committee.

Watch the videos from the 20182019, and 2020 editions of Five-Minute Linguist events. The 2021 event was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.