The next LSA Linguistic Institute will be held at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, from June 19 until July 14 2023.  The theme of the Institute is “Linguistics as cognitive science: Universality and Variation.” We are currently accepting proposals for additional courses to be offered during the Institute. These courses will complement courses planned by the Institute’s organizing committee. The aim is to develop course offerings that will provide a broad coverage of linguistics, including introductory courses to various areas in the field as well as exciting, advanced courses in topical research areas. We invite course proposals in all areas of linguistics and are particularly interested in contributions (broadly) related to the Institute’s theme.

For the instructors of the accepted courses, the Institute will cover the costs of travel, University housing and will provide a small honorarium. Proposals to co-teach are welcome and we expect to be able to cover travel costs for all course instructors (the honorarium will be divided among the instructors). Courses can be either 4-weeks or 2-weeks in duration, and will meet twice a week, with two 90 minute class sessions (a total of 8 class sessions for 4-week courses and 4 class sessions for 2-week courses).

Proposals should take the following form:

• Course title and names of instructors

• the target audience

• whether it is a 2 week or 4 week course

• a short course description (500 word limit)

• a brief outline of motivation for the course (200 word limit)

• an outline of course topics (or readings), i.e., a sense of its syllabus

• if applicable, the relevance of the course to the Institute’s theme

Please include in your proposal any additional activities you foresee that may link your course to other Institute events (such as workshops, other courses, collaborations, etc.). If you are not a current member of the LSA, we strongly encourage you to consider (re)joining the Society. Proposals should avoid overlap with courses already planned for the 2023 Institute. The deadline for the receipt of course proposals is September 1, 2022.

Proposals should be submitted as a pdf to this email address.

For a description of the Institute’s theme, the list of presently planned courses, as well as more general information, please visit the Institute webpage.