Drs Begay, Garrett, Harris, and Rosés Labrada
Kayla Begay, Andrew Garrett, Alice Harris,

and Jorge Rosés Labrada

The September 2022 "Meet the Authors" Webinar was held September 28, at 3:30 p.m. EDT (12:30 p.m. PDT). Entitled “Tenure, promotion, and academic review in documentary linguistics,” this webinar featured a panel discussion of ways to approach the academic review process for linguists working on language documentation. The panel included two recently tenured linguists involved with language documentation, Kayla Begay (Cal Poly Humboldt) and Jorge Rosés Labrada (U Alberta), and the authors of a new paper in Language, "Assessing scholarship in documentary linguistics," Andrew Garrett (UC Berkeley) and Alice Harris (U Mass Amherst).

The presentation was followed by a question and answer session.

Watch the Recording on YouTube

Read the Transcript