
At the recent Business Meeting held at the LSA's 2017 Annual Meeting in Austin, TX, the members present voted unanimously to elect the following individuals as Honorary Members of the Society.


The LSA is delighted to announce the winner of the Best Paper in Language 2016 Award.  The award will be given to “Language and Linguistics on Trial: Hearing Rachel Jeantel (and Other Vernacular Speakers) in the Courtroom and Beyond”: Language Volume 92, Number 4 (December,


The Society has taken a stand in support of those working to prevent the construction of a natural gas pipeline adjacent to the reservation of the Standing Rock Sioux.


Austin to Host Cutting-Edge Linguistic Research in January


The LSA is saddened to announce the recent passing of LSA Life Member Robert T. Harms. He received his doctorate in 1960 from the University of Chicago and taught at the University of Texas at Austin from 1958 until his retirement in 2006.


The LSA mourns the death of LSA Life Member James W. Gair on December 10th, 2016. Gair was a linguist in South Asian linguistics.


The LSA's Committee on Ethnic Diversity in Linguistics (CEDL) has selected two students to receive its Diversity Travel Awards to attend the Society's upcoming Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas.


The LSA is delighted to announce the winners of the fourth Excellence in Community Linguistics Award.


Graduate and undergraduate students interested in attending the LSA's 2017 Linguistic Institute can now begin applications (login required) for student fellowships.


The LSA Executive Committee has approved the nomination of Lenore Grenoble, of the University of Chicago, to stand for election as the next Secretary-Treasurer (S-T) of the Society. If elected by the LSA membership in the Fall of 2017, Dr.


The LSA reports with regret the death of Mervyn C. Alleyne, an Honorary Member (1997) of the Society.  More information is availble on the website and the Facebook page of the Society for Caribbean, Linguistics.


To support work to advance the scientific study of language please consider making a year-end, tax-deductible contribution to the LSA.


Four LSA members are to receive awards at the upcoming Annual Meeting, which will be held at the JW Marriott in Austin, TX from January 5-8, 2017.  They will join the winners of the


The LSA is pleased to announce the adoption of a new set of Guidelines for Inclusive Language.


The LSA is pleased to announce that Language has published its very first article online that will eventually appear in a later print edition.


On November 14, 2016, the LSA sent the following statement, signed by President Alice C. Harris and Executive Director Alyson Reed, to its members:


The LSA is pleased to announce a new annual speaker series, Public Lectures on Language, to be held each year on the Sunday afternoon immediately following the close of the Annual Meeting.


In voting that concluded Saturday, November 5, LSA members elected a Vice-President/President-Elect, two new at-large members of the Executive Committee, and an editor of Language.  They also approved changes to the LSA Bylaws relating to the election of LSA Fellows.


The LSA is offering four minicourses in conjunction with the 2017 Annual Meeting, on a variety of scholarly and professional develpoment topics.  All courses will be held on Thursday, January 5, beginning at 10:00 A


The LSA is pleased to announce the establishment of a new agreement with the organizers of the Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SAL
