
Arika Okrentthe language columnist for Mental Floss and a frequent linguistic contributor to many publications, has been named this year's recipient of the Linguistic Society of America's


The LSA Member Spotlight highlights the interests and accomplishments of a different LSA member each month. If you would like to recommend an LSA member for a future Member Spotlight, please contact Brice Russ, LSA Director of Communications.


The Linguistic Society of America is pleased to announce appointments for two positions in support of our scholarly journal, Language.


CoLang, the Institute on Collaborative Language Research, has officially opened applications for participation in next year's Institute.


For the second year, the Linguistic Society of America will offer a set of minicourses before our Annual Meeting to help LSA memb


John J. Ohala, Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley, was recently awarded the Silver Medal in Speech Communication by the Acoustical Society of America. Dr. Ohala, who received his Ph.D.


The LSA is pleased to announce that New Orleans has been selected as the host city for our 2020 Annual Meeting.


The North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad (NACLO) has opened registration for students interested in participating in NACLO's 2016 competitions.


Twelve students presenting papers on topics from vowel harmony to negation in Bon Appétit have been named the newest winners of the Linguistic Society of America's Student Abstract Awards.


The Society reports with regret the passing of Christopher Rhodes on September 8, 2015. Mr. Rhodes served as the editor for law and linguistics at the University of Chicago Press. He was most recently a member of the LSA in 2014.


Our September 2015 issue of Language, Volume 91, Number 3, is now available online via Project MUSE.


The LSA Member Spotlight highlights the interests and accomplishments of a different LSA member each month. If you would like to recommend an LSA member for a future Member Spotlight, please contact Brice Russ, LSA Director of Communications.


UPDATE: This position has now been filled.

The LSA is currently accepting applications for the newly-created position of Publications Coordinator. Please refer to the information below for additional details.



The LSA Executive Committee has named Keren Rice as the LSA representative to the Advisory Circle of CoLang, the Institute for Collaborative Language Research.


The Linguistic Society of America is proud to announce that ten of the field's leading linguists have been named to the newest class of LSA Fellows:


Early bird registration is now open for the LSA's 90th Annual Meeting, to be held January 7-10, 2016 in Washington, DC.


The LSA is pleased to announce a long-term partnership with CoLang, the Institute for Collaborative Language Research.


Today, the Linguistic Society of America is pleased to announce the creation of a new charitable contribution fund in memory of linguist Emmon Bach.


This year, the LSA Committee on Ethnic Diversity in Linguistics (CEDL) is awarding four student travel grants intended to increase the participation of ethnoracial minorities in the LSA*.
