
Update: We've lifted all viewing restrictions on our Linguists in Industry panel!


Did you miss out on our Annual Meeting? We've published a story through Storify that reports on our conference--through the tweets of dozens of our meeting attendees:


The Linguistic Society of America recently presented Jim Bauman with the LSA's Linguistic Service Award.


Our 2015 Annual Meeting featured a Special Session on the Publishing Process, with presentations from linguistics journal editors on topics including:


Muriel Fisher, recipient of the LSA's 2015 Excellence in Community Linguistics Award for her work with Scottish Gaelic, was officially presented with the award at a recent ceremon


The LSA Member Spotlight highlights the interests and accomplishments of a different LSA member each month.


The LSA 2015 Annual Meeting starts today (January 8) in Portland, Oregon. A few quick links for meeting attendees and others interested in following the Meeting:


2014 was a big year for the LSA.


In the past, linguists and language enthusiasts have often asked us where they can buy an LSA t-shirt or a coffee mug with the LSA logo.


Earlier this month, Dr. Anvita Abbi was presented with the LSA's Kenneth L.


The LSA Member Spotlight highlights the interests and accomplishments of a different LSA member each month.


The December 2014 issue of Language (Volume 90, Number 4) is now available online to LSA members and other Language subscribers. Highlights from this issue of Language include:


The room block at the Hilton Portland & Executive Tower for the 2015 Annual Meeting has sold out.  An overflow room block


A new program from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) provides financial support to scholars interested in writing general-interest nonfiction books on topics in the humanities.


The LSA reports with regret the November 28, 2014 death of Emmon Bach (Oxford University), a member since 1959, a Life Member of the Society, and a Past President (1995). Read more ...


Thanks to everyone who participated in the LSA's first Tweet Your Talk contest. We had 10 fantastic entries--time to announce our winners. 


Graduate and undergraduate students interested in attending the LSA's 2015 Linguistic Institute can now begin applications (login required) for student fellowships.


The LSA Member Spotlight highlights the interests and accomplishments of a different LSA member each month.


For more than 100 years, the disciplines of linguistics and anthropology have been closely interrelated; renowned scholars such as Franz Boas and Claude Lévi-Strauss have worked to draw connections between the two fields, and anthropological linguists and linguistic anthropologists continue to ex
