We welcome comments from the membership about plans for the Centennial. Please see this memo [pdf] to the membership for further details, and use the comment feature at the bottom of this page to share your thoughts. Comments may also be sent privately to the committee via email.

   Prototype for logo in development; submit your ideas for the final design!








Created in 2018 to begin planning for the LSA's Centennial in 2024.


To plan and assist with activities conducted during the observance of the LSA’s Centennial in 2024, in consultation with the Secretariat and the Executive Committee.


  • Develop primary goals and objectives for the Centennial observance, subject to EC approval
  • Develop implementation and evaluation strategies for the Centennial observance
  • Develop a timetable for planning and execution of all Centennial observance activities.


  1. At least one current officer of the LSA
  2. Executive Director
  3. At least one former Chair of the Program Committee
  4. LSA Archivist
  5. At least one past president or Secretary-Treasurer
  6. At least one past Editor of Language
  7. At least one past Institute Director
  8. At least one early career linguist, preferably from an under-represented group


  • Brian Joseph, The Ohio State University, Chair
  • Alexandra Johnston, Georgetown University
  • Molly Diesing, Cornell University
  • Jamaal Muwwakkil, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Margaret Thomas, Boston College
  • Sarah Thomason, University of Michigan
  • Tracey L. Weldon, University of South Carolina 
  • Staff Liaison: Margaret Vitullo
  • Executive Committee Liaison: Frederick Newmeyer

Potential Activities For Consideration

  • To gather information on best practices employed by other scholarly societies observing recent centennials.
  • To develop a set of marketing and branding materials and messages associated with the Centennial.
  • To raise sufficient funds to endow a permanent staff position to support the Linguistic Institute.
  • To explore the suitability of contracting with a professional development consultant to assist with conducting a major centennial fundraising campaign.
  • To restore regular and student membership to their peak historical numbers.
  • To offer historically-themed programming at all LSA events in 2023-2024.
  • To offer historically-themed content in all LSA publications in 2024.
  • To organize a gala celebration at the American Museum of Natural History, where the LSA held its first meeting, during the 2024 Annual Meeting in New York City.
  • To explore options for offering additional content, programs, and services at venues not listed above.


I suggest that you also hold Centennial related programming at the 2025 Linguistic Institute.

Thanks for your comment -- it is a fine idea and we will definitely take it into consideration as our planning continues.

Looking way ahead, but I'd hope that the planned video, which could be a fairly long one, would be shown as a plenary session.

I've shared this with the rest of the committee.

Hi Mike -- thanks for this suggestion -- an excellent idea!