Preamble. During the LSA Annual Meeting, LSA itself, or through its contractors, may take photographs and background roll video footage that may capture images of you as you attend or present at event sessions. As LSA must obtain permission from the subjects of any photographs or footage that LSA might display publicly, this agreement provides LSA with permission to publicly display your image as captured during the event (this permission is generally irrevocable except if you would like to request LSA to refrain from using your image from promotional materials). LSA will be able to use these photographs and footage for all purposes and in any format (e.g., print, online, etc.) to further its mission.

You retain all rights to your voice and likeness. You will just be providing LSA permission to use your voice and likeness as captured in images and footage taken by LSA or its contractors.

Recording and Social Media Use. The Linguistic Society of America (“LSA”), through itself or its contractors, may photograph, broadcast and/or record all or portions of the events and functions at the Annual Meeting, including through audio and video recording, web streaming and photography, for the production of material distributed for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to educational, archival, commercial or promotional purposes (collectively known as the “Material”). By registering for the Annual Meeting, you irrevocably grant the LSA, its assignees and licensees permission to capture your image, likeness, name, biographical information, actions, performance, voice, conversations, quotes and material spoken (collectively, “Likeness”) through photography, video, or any other means, and publish, exhibit, display, reproduce, translate, modify, edit or otherwise use perpetually throughout the world, in all media now and hereafter known or devised, in whole or in part, your Likeness as captured in the Material. If you would like to decline permission for LSA to use your Likeness in the Material that is distributed for promotional purposes, you can request, in writing to, to be excluded and LSA will make a good faith effort to remove you from any of the Material that is published or otherwise publicly shared for promotional purposes.

You should be aware that recording by attendees during open sessions is a possibility as well as posting material discussing or relating to the Annual Meeting on social media. LSA requests that all attendees respect their colleagues and behave responsibly when engaging in recording and social media activities. LSA does not take responsibility for the manner in which attendees use privately recorded material. As a general rule, Annual Meeting sessions also are open to the press, who may report on discussions, quote participants and publish other information made available during the session.