
It is with regret that the LSA notes the death of long-time LSA member Stanley Insler at the age of 82.


The LSA is pleased to announce that the family of the late C.L. Baker has endowed a new award honoring excellence for scholarship in syntax.


The LSA is pleased to announce that Steve Anderson, former LSA President


The LSA is pleased to offer a 40% discount ($100.00) to LSA student members on Career Camp.


In honor of Black History Month 2019, the LSA recognizes one of its Honorary Members,


The LSA reports with regret the February 3, 2019 death of Wallace (Wally) Chafe (University of California, Santa Barbara, Emeritus).  Chafe joined the LSA in 1954 and was made a Fellow of the Society in 2014.  He was a Life Member of the LSA at the time of his death.


The LSA reports with regret the February 17, 2019 death of former (1971) LSA President Eric P. Hamp (University of Chicago, Emeritus). Hamp joined the LSA in 1948 and was a Life Member at the time of his death.


The LSA is seeking a proofreader to assist the editorial team in the Language offices.


Registration for the 29th Annual Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) Conference is now available on the LSA website.   The conference will be held from May 17-19 at the University


The LSA is seeking feedback, from members and nonmembers alike, on a range of issues relating to the scholarly publishing landscape in linguistics, and on the LSA’s publishing program in particular.


The LSA is pleased to announce the release of


The LSA submitted comments earlier this week on "Plan S", a proposal by research funding agencies based in Europe that could have significant implications for the LSA's publishing operations, including our flagship journal,


The LSA Executive Committee (EC) has adopted a new Strategic Plan for the Society, covering the next five years.


The LSA is pleased to announce the publication of the latest title in its book series partnership with Routledge. Sign Languages: Structures and Contexts, authored by LSA members Joseph C. Hill, Diane C. Lillo-Martin and Sandra K.


Three distiinguisthed scholars from outside the United States were elected Honorary Members of the LSA at the Society's annual Business Meeting in New York City earlier this month.  Pa


The 3rd Annual Five-Minute Linguist event played to a capacity crowd at the recent LSA Annual Meeting in New York City.  Congratulations to the winner, Ai Taniguchi, pictured below, for "


The LSA is honored to announce that the family of LSA member Elizabeth Dayton, PhD, who passed away earlier this year, has endowed a new travel award for graduate students pursuing a


The LSA is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Organizing Committee for the Workshop on Turkic and languages in conta


The LSA is delighted to announce that the Best Paper in Language 2018 Award will be given to Benjamin Bruening (University of Delaware)


The LSA is delighted to announce that its Committee on Ethnic Diversity in Linguistics (CEDL) has selected the following students to receive funding to attend the LSA's
