
The LSA will hold elections this fall for Officers, at-large members of the Executive Committee, and Co-Editor of Language, and on proposed amendments to the Bylaws of the LSA.


The LSA is pleased to welcome our newest summer intern, Shane Taylor.


We are delighted to announce that the LSA Executive Committee has approved a final version of the LSA Statement on Race, incorporating comments from LSA members and other interested parties. 


The LSA offers a year's free membership to recent recipients of the Ph.D., in recognition of their scholarly achievements as well as the economic hardship faced by many new degree holders.


LSA President Brian Joseph submitted comments earlier this week to Arthur (Skip) Lupia, Head of the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Directorate at


This webinar will focus on the skills necessary to make the switch to tech, the linguistics subfields that are in demand currently and the sometimes surprising ways in which linguists use their training in related tech fields.


This webinar introduces PennController for IBEX, a new platform for online experiment design.


The LSA is delighted to congratulate Sue Kalt, Professor of Spanish at Roxbury Community College, who has been awarded an eleven-month Documenting Endangered Languages Fe


The LSA is pleased to announce the nomination of John Beavers (The University of Texas at Austin) to serve a three-year term as the next Co-Editor of our flagship journal, Language, followed by a three-year term as


The LSA is delighted to announce that Brian Joseph, current President of the LSA, and Distinguished University Professor of Linguistics,and The Kenneth E.


The LSA is thrilled to announce the election of Life Member Janet Pierrehumbert (University of Oxford) to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS).  The last LSA member to be so honored was Steven Pinker (Harvard University), in 2016.


The LSA is pleased to announce that sociolinguist and former president of the LSA, Walt Wolfram, has been elected a member of the American Academy of Arts and Scien


The LSA is delighted to announce that prominent semanticist and LSA member Professor Gennaro Chierchia has received a Guggenheim Fel


The LSA is proud to announce that Tyler Kibbey, Co-convener of the LSA Special Interest Group on LGBTQ+ Issues in Linguistics and graduate student at the University of Kentucky, has received the Academic Advancement Award from the Tennessee LGBT+ College Conference.


The LSA invites current and prospective members to submit abstracts for papers and posters to be presented at its 2020 Annual Meeting.


The LSA is pleased to announce the publication of the newest title in its book series partnership with Rou


The LSA is delighted to announce the latest in its program of webinars on professional development topics:  LGBTQ+ Perspectives in Linguistics.


The Program Committee of the LSA is accepting proposals for Organized Sessions to be held at the LSA's 2020 Annual Meeting, which will take place in New Orleans, Louisiana from January 2-5. 
